Sunday, September 30, 2012

Man at Havana Train Station

This was taken at the Havana train station on a guided walk through the city. Sony NEX 7, f6.3, 1/80 sec, 200 iso, 75 mm with the Tamron 18-200. A little tweaking was done in CS 5 and Nik Viveza, using the structure slider. Train stations are fascinating places.
Dancing To Sculpture? What the ...? Well, this is sort of my attempt to say that it is very difficult to write intelligently about any kind of art. My art of choice is photography, but to write about it presents challenges. It's better to look at photography. Many people know what they like when they see it, but don't know exactly WHY they like it. I will endeavor to comment on the photos I post and say what it was that drew me to make the picture in the first place and why I am  satisfied with the result. The above photograph was taken in the summer of 2012 in Havana, Cuba. I saw the wall with the graffiti but realized it would be better with a person walking by. I squatted on the curb, flipped out the articulating screen on my Sony NEX 7, and waited for a passerby. As I was looking down at the screen, I didn't appear I was trying to take a picture of anything. I saw the man approach as I looked left, and squeezed off a shot as he came into view. I like the colors, the shadows, and the subject matter. Not too complicated. By the way, I absolutely love the NEX 7. Great resolution, fast enough, and lightweight. f6.3, 1/60 sec, 200 iso, 75 mm for this photograph.