Sunday, April 14, 2013

See, Be Seen, Be Seen Eating

Last night, our friends the Marrions and the Loretzes went to see the new biopic "42", about Jackie Robinson. Afterwards, we joined them for dinner at Amber, an Indian restaurant in Santana Row, an upscale  shopping and living center in San Jose. Basically, it's faux Europe with all manner of hipsters and Urban professionals congregating in about a four square block area. There's even a very hip hotel for people with deep pockets, and luxury condominiums for people with even deeper pockets. Girls/women walking (or teetering) around on high heels and short skirts, young bucks smoking cigars in a cigar bar, kids playing chess on a giant chessboard. My wife asked me this morning to go an entire day without saying anything negative or cynical. So, I'll just write it. The Indian food (thanks Sue) was delicious, however. All photos taken with the Sony RX 100.

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